
“Successful results love your focus, inspiration and committment.”

Finding your dream job can be challenging. I really get that. I have been there several times in my life too. If you did all 22 challenges published so far you will have a pretty good idea what type of job you dream about, what your strengths and weaknesses are, what type of organisation or boss you would love to work for … and more. You’d have pretty much a lot sorted to start creating your job search plan and go for it. So today we will be looking together at focus, inspiration and commitment. Why? Because dreaming about your dream job is not enough …

“Many people give up when they are so close to reaching their goal, finding what they are looking for. Stay focused, inspired and committed. Why? Because successful people never give up.”

One of the biggest challenges my clients often deal with when looking for their dream job is to stay focused, inspired and committed. Often, they don’t realise that they are starting to lose their focus and inspiration, simply because the “life happens” and the little voice in their head starts resisting coming out of the comfort zone trying to convince them that such a thing like a dream job does not exist, that it is perhaps not as bad where they are, that they cannot earn more money or do what they love …  if you choose to not give up, the question is: What can you do to stay focused, inspired and committed to find your dream job?”

Step #23 coffee break exercise:

  • Blog pictureThink about your dream job and list down 10 things or activities that you can easily do on a regular basis (a few times a week) that will help you stay focused and inspired to find your dream job.
  • Look at these activities or actions again and review:
    • how often can you find 15-20 mins to take these actions during your week? (ideally 3-4)
    • how will you recognise that you have given up on your search for your dream job and taking action?
    • who can you call or speak to when you start losing focus or inspiration? Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  • Share about your discoveries with your buddy.  Supporting each other will help you find your dream job and it’s fun to do it together.

*Haven’t got a buddy but need the support with your job search? Feel free to join our FB group and share with us.

Can’t wait to read your comments and tips. What helps you stay focused, inspired and committed to reach your goals? Drop a comment below …






