
Lift your mood to lift your success. With time your success will lift your mood.

Do you sometimes feel down, upset or irritated while looking for the job of your dreams? Perhaps your career is not going in the right direction and you feel upset. Maybe sometimes you feel irritated and start picking a little argument now and then with someone you really love? Feeling low and experiencing upset are natural human reactions, but they are also holding you back from achieving your success in landing the job you want.

Successful people know that to make a good decision one must be in a good mood.

Easy to say? If you are doing your job search after a bad day at work or being stuck in the traffic for hours on your way home, your mind and thinking are impacted. So let’s talk about managing your mood today. Why? Because your mood impacts your perception and outcome of actions. It’s simple, if you are in a bad mood, you are more likely to perceive your challenges and situations as negative. Consequently, by lifting your mood you are improving your chances and you will start to see positive results.

Step #25 coffee break exercise:

  • Blog pictureThink about your dream job and your job search. List down 3 situations when you feel down, upset or frustrated?
  • Look at these situations again and think about a couple of things or activities that you can do to lift your mood when things are not going well for you:
    • what do you like doing that lifts your mood? It can be a short activity for 10-15 mins …
    • what music do you like listening to?
    • which inspiring quotes you like reading to get inspired?
    • When you feel low, use these to lift your mood and continue in taking inspired actions.
  • Share about your discoveries with your buddy. Supporting each other will help you find your dream job and it’s fun to do it together.

*Haven’t got a buddy but need the support with your job search? Feel free to join our FB group and share with us. Like our FB page to stay motivated with inspiring quotes.

Can’t wait to read your comments and tips. What helps you to overcome your upset or disappointment? Drop a comment below …










