We live in the age, when DREAM JOB is no longer just a La-la-land phrase.

Yet finding your dream job may seem like a long, draining and difficult journey.

It does not have to …

Most of my clients think that finding their dream job starts with updating their CV, cover letter and job search. They are amazed when they learn that it does not …

In this article, I am going to describe FOUR STAGES that you are likely to go through if you are looking for your dream job.

Learning about these stages may help you understand where exactly you are on your journey, so you can see what is going on for you and you can navigate yourself better.

You can see it as a road map.

STAGE 1 – Decision time.

My career is not working for me. What do I do about it? Accept it or change it?

 You’re realised that something in your job or your career is not working but you don’t know what and why. The only thing that you know is that you are suffering – you may be feeling stressed, overwhelmed, overworked, tired, disengaged, irritable, bored, unhappy, …

It’s hard for you to move forward because you are trying to figure out what is happening and why. But you’re not finding any answers. You simply can’t see it for yourself.

You’re waiting for a moment that will change everything.

Something happens that activates your ability to decide. Maybe you wake up realising you “You had enough” or maybe your loved ones will tell you that “I no longer recognise the person you have become. This is not the person I fell in love with.”


This stage usually ends when this moment comes – “something happens” which makes you realise that it can no longer continue this way. You have to make a decision.


If you are in this stage right now (already suffering), don’t wait for the right moment too long. Don’t wait for somebody to tell you that you look unhappy when you know it very well. Why should you suffer in your job when it makes you feel unhappy?


STAGE 2  – Discovery time.

What do I want? What else am I good at? What can I do? Who would like to hire me?

You had enough of suffering in your job. You desire a positive change.

It’s difficult because you can’t imagine what else in your career you could do.  You’re starting to think of leaving your job, but you are also scared that you may not find better job than the one you have. You need money to pay your bills and sustain your living.

In this stage, you have enough courage to make a positive shift happen but you don’t have the clarity and confidence you need to succeed.

In order to be able to find your dream job, you need to know what you want first. You can focus on discovering your purpose, what makes you unique, what makes you irresistible in the employment market and where the best companies and organisations that you could work with are.

This stage usually ends when you discover what you want to change and what you can change. You decide to start exploring new possibilities and take action.


Don’t jump into job search quickly, without preparation. Many dream job creators want to skip this stage but they are missing out – because they are unable to communicate clearly what their dream job is and why they are the best candidate. They focus on what they already know instead of discovering their sleeping potential.


STAGE 3  – Action time.

How can I make my career shift happen? How can I find my dream job?


You started to explore new possibilities.

You have clarity – you know you want to change  – but you don’t have the results – you still don’t seem to be able to find your dream job in real life.

Instead, you are still stuck in your job that you don’t like.

At this point you start to feel confused and overwhelmed again – not only your current job makes you feel unhappy; also your job search is exhausting. You may be receiving assurance from others that you will find “something” but the problem is, you’re not looking just for “something”.


You’re looking for more – for a purposeful job that will make you feel really happy and fulfilled.

In this stage you have several possibilities how to move forward – you can either find your dream job or you can create your freelancing career. Finding your dream job will feel like a roller-coaster ride. Few weeks you will feel ok, then another few weeks you may feel horrible again – tired, exhausted and hopeless.

In order to be able to find your dream job, you will need patience.

This stage usually ends when you know what YOUR DREAM JOB is and find the best way how to go on about finding it.


Focus on taking purpose-driven action and impactful communication. Be clear and consistent in your communication. Don’t settle. When you feel tired and exhausted, maintain healthy work & life balance. You can also benefit from learning how to manage your time, as well as your behaviours, better.


STAGE 4  – Celebration time!

Landing your dream job.

Yes, you did it!


One day you hear those magical words “You’re hired.”

The moment when you find your dream job may seem like a big victory for you. And it really is. All your hard work has paid off.

For many employees, this is the point when their journey to finding their dream job ends. However, this is only the beginning.

This is your new opportunity to unlock your sleeping potential even more.

Remember that no job is perfect.

You may feel excited at the beginning, but at some point you will start facing new challenges and issues again.

You will have new tasks to complete. Some of them will inspire you and some of them will not.

As you keep unlocking your potential, your dream job will evolve with you. Your life circumstances will change and your description of your dream job will change with it.

At some point you will again reach the stage when you feel that something is not working. But this time, you will know what you can do.


To continue in unlocking your potential, focus on developing your strengths; stay connected to your professional vision and purpose. See difficulties and challenges at work as your opportunities. If possible disregard the negativity that is going on in your new workplace.


Now when you know about this road map to finding your dream job, you may wonder. There is nothing new that I learnt here.

“Adriana, what is it that employees who landed their dream job really do differently?”



Good question!

What they do differently is that they connect with their career dreams and awaken their sleeping potential.

What do I mean by that?

They realised that no-body has a crystal ball to see what they want in their career.

They realised that they have potential, but somehow it is just sleeping.

They have not discovered it yet.

They discovered that their next job isn’t just a job. It isn’t just a money-making activity.

They started to see their employment as a unique opportunity to discover who they are in this world and how they want to make a difference. 

They realised that their dream job could exist but they need to dedicate some time to discover it and find it.

They want to become an example to others that finding your dream job is possible.

But most of all, they no longer wanted to be that bitter, frustrated, unhappy person they used to be.

This is what most of my successful dream job creators do differently.

If you would love to join us and find your dream job too, join our Facebook group –  ZERO TO DREAM JOB CLUB.

PS: Before you go, download this free mini-course and discover more tips to unlock your dream job.


Author: AdriAna Kosovska

Professional and certified international coach & founder of ZERO TO DREAM JOB ACADEMY


I work with employees, couples and organisations that care about

Stress reduction |  Talents and strenghts development | Dream job