Photo by Fausto García on Unsplash

Struggling to figure out what to focus on in your career and life this year … ? Today’s article can help. 

Career may feel like the centre of the Universe to you right now, yet it is fairly possible that your challenges in working life may be caused by other life areas that are not working well e.g. health challenges showing up in your career, relationship problems impacting your performance at work, pressure from financial commitments in your life situation etc. 

Over the years, I developed the following 3 step process: 

  1. Reflect how IMPORTANT your career is to you right now (this year), what do you want to achieve and why?
  1. Discover which PHASE of your dream job JOURNEY you’re going through right now.  
  1. Set HOLISTIC career goals to achieve more balanced and fulfilling goals.

In next 3 blogs I will focus on each of these steps and use some real-life examples to demonstrate why this process can work for you actually well.  

Let’s start with STEP 1:

How important is your career to you right now – this year? 

So how do you find out what is best to focus on this year? 

Simple. Use Wheel of Life technique. 

This exercise can empower you to gain focus, direction and review your priorities.

Wheel of life is a simple technique that can help you assess how balanced and fulfilling your life appears to you right now. It looks at 8-10 important areas of your life. You will assign a score from 0 to 10 to show how satisfied you are in each area.

The outcome is to help you raise awareness and determine which areas of your life need your attention to experience more balanced life.

Here is a list of categories:

  1. Health & Fitness: Emotional and physical
  2. Relationships – Family
  3. Love life and relationships
  4. Career – an alternative could be”Career-Maternity leave” while taking care of your baby
  5. Money, Finance
  6. Social & friends
  7. Fun & Leisure
  8. Self-Development – personal growth & resources
  9. Spirituality / Purpose
  10. Feel free to pick area that is significant to you


Miss Confused wants to make a positive change in her career and set an inspiring career goal. 

Miss Confused was in her early thirties. Career was always among her top life priorities. She invested loads of time, money and energy into becoming a chartered accountant. She found her ideal job as Financial Controller and for a number of years was very happy and good at it.

But lately she started to feel her work was no longer fulfilling her. She was constantly overanalysing and asking herself loads of questions:
  • Have I chosen the right career path?
  • Is this what I want to do for the rest of my life?
She couldn’t detach from work and stop thinking about it in the evenings, over the weekend … she wasn’t “present” when she was with her partner …  As a result, her relationship and wellbeing suffered.

Using the Wheel of Life technique Miss Confused rated how satisfied she felt with these areas of her life. Once she completed her Wheel of Life she realised that improving her relationship with partner is more important to her and she made that a priority for her this year after career. She also wondered how focusing on her personal growth can influence progress in her career. Last realisation she made was that she was focusing on her career but stopped to enjoy her life – it showed in lower rating of her hobbies, recreation and fun.    

How would your Wheel of Life look like? 

I would encourage you to try this exercise out, create your own Wheel of Life. You can either access it online and draw a circle on a paper in your own journal. 

More about this technique and online exercise without the need to subscribe – I find this website very helpful – 

If you have any questions or experience with this method feel free to share in the comments. 

ps: Finding your dream job is more fun when you’re in a community of like-minded people, I invite you to join our Facebook group –  ZERO TO DREAM JOB CLUB.


Author: AdriAna Kosovska

Professional and certified coach & founder of ZERO TO DREAM JOB ACADEMY


I work with employees, couples and organisations that care about

Stress reduction |  Talents and strengths development | Dream job