Photo by Janne Glas- Unsplash

The second simple thing you can do to set powerful career goals is to realise which STAGE of your dream job journey you’re going through right now. 

If you are feeling confused in your job or if you are aimlessly searching for your ideal job right now, this article is for you. 

Today we will be focusing on the 2nd step for setting fulfilling career goals together:


Discover which PHASE of your dream job JOURNEY you’re going through right now



So how do you find out?

Let’s pause for a second because rushing to get your answers is not the way here.

We live in the fast world; wanting success, fulfilling relationships, wealth and health fast.  

I am noticing the same is happening with my (your) career.

We want to see our results (promotion, payrise, dream job) arrive fast. 

Yet if goals and vision are simply BIG it may seem unachievable.  

What seems to help my clients with bigger career aspirations – goals that seemed unachievable – was breaking their journey – process of getting there – into 4 stages: 

  1. Stage – DECISION TIME 
  2. Stage – DISCOVERY TIME 
  3. Stage – ACTION TIME 


Clemens van Lay on Unsplash

Why have I broken this journey into 4 stages? 

Because I know you want it all – happiness, recognition, feeling included and appreciated, as well as be rewarded for your hard work. It’s a lot to achieve and it is possible. Achieving it all right away can feel overwhelming, I am splitting the journey into 4 stages – to help you ease off the pressure and help you manage your expectations as you move forward.  


Your benefit? 

Simply put, I care that you feel more RELAXED and FOCUSED as you navigate through the process of your job change, working towards your promotion or starting a freelance biz. 


Discovering and finding your dream job is a journey

– it’s a process so don’t push yourself too much and too quickly.

There is no need to compare with others. You are where you are right now and that is ok, maybe not perfect – not ideal, but it is ok. It can be better, a lot better.

Let’s focus on NOW,

Be present to what is happening now.

Let’s start with recognising where in your career you are right now.

I don’t want to overwhelm you by giving you too much details, so here is the deal. 

I will share about these four stages briefly and if it sounds like something that makes sense to you, you can download my free e-book about 4 STAGES OF YOUR DREAM JOB JOURNEY in my ZERO TO DREAM JOB ACADEMY. I will share the link at the end of this article. 



  • Something happens in your life helping you realise your career is not working out well for you. You’re contemplating, overanalysing and thinking. You may be tempted to feel pushed to act, to give yourself a deadline to MAKE A DECISION – what, when, how .. When this happens, be kind to yourself and allow enough time to explore what is happening with you, your career and life right now. What is it that you like and that works well for you? What is it that you no longer like? What is it that no longer serves you – no longer helps you to grow professionally and personally?  


  • Before rushing into job hunting and dialogues with your employer, give yourself permission to discover YOU first. It’s a lot more sensible and sustainable to find a job that is aligned with YOU then trying to fit in to get a job.  Be kind to yourself and instead of judging what you can’t do, inflame your curiosity and discover what you can, who you are, what your great qualities are. My experience of working with people shows that once they get curious and take interest in understanding who they are, they find at least two – three possibilities for their ideal jobs. 


  • Job hunting – job hopping – career change – starting a freelance career = acting from the place of clarity and focus sounds more appealing to me. Sounds like that to you too? This stage is about taking an inspired action, acting with a focus, intention and courage. Often taking steps that are out of your comfort zone. It doesn’t mean that everything will work out for you right away (nope, I am not taking your hopes away just being realistic here). Focus on your niche, audience, ideal employers – focusing your action towards people, businesses and industries aligned with you, your values and your vision are improving your chances of hearing Yes, we’d love to work with you. 


  • Yes, you did it! You got your dream job, promotion or payrise. You have a job that fills your heart with joy and your bank account with better pay in equal measure. It’s time for celebration. You deserve it! This is the time that deserves a celebration – after all you managed to turn the impossible into possible, the unimaginable into real. You managed to work through your “downs” and didn’t let your “ups” to keep you comfortable and stagnating. Celebration is in order. Enjoy this moment, fasten your seatbelt and get ready for your dream job ride.  

These are 4 stages of your dream job journey in a nutshell.

It’s a shortened version but you can access the one that I share in my group here with little tips for each stage of your journey.



I truly hope it will help you to move from feeling overwhelmed to feeling inspired and focused. 


 – remember Ms Confused and Mrs Stressed Nurse from the previous article? 

Ms Confused realised she was in the DECISION stage – still feeling confused and realised if she pushes herself too much, it be just too much for her. Right now, she decided to take it slowly and stay in the decision stage. She wasn’t even sure if this is a good time to talk to her boss, the first thing for her was to reconnect with her partner (relationship was more important to her then her job), understand what is happening with her in job and then approach her boss  

Mrs Stressed Nurse was in the DISCOVERY stage – fairly clear and decided that it’s time for change. She just simply had enough of it but she was not sure what she wants – how to combine finding purpose and prosperity through her job/career. What else can she do? Who can she work with? What are her talents? What is her passion and is it important at all? How can she handle stress better? How can she work on her weaknesses? She had million questions and zero answers – ideal time to work through these questions while she is in her DISCOVERY stage. 

If you have any questions or experience that you’d love to share with me or our tribe of inspired dream job creators feel free to share in the comments.

ps: Finding your dream job is more fun when you’re in a community of like-minded people, I invite you to join our Facebook group –  ZERO TO DREAM JOB CLUB.


Author: AdriAna Kosovska

Professional and certified coach & founder of ZERO TO DREAM JOB ACADEMY


I work with employees, couples and organisations that care about

Stress reduction |  Talents and strengths development | Dream job